Monday, February 9, 2009

You really don't have to read this!

Ok! I meant to get photos of the new linocuts and prints I worked on this weekend, but you know how Monday's can be? (Right?!?! It's not just me, is it?) so instead I'll post about a friend's jewelry giveaway on her blog.

I hope she doesn't mind that I snagged her photo...

Scroll down and you will see the instructions for the giveaway!
Please go check it out, so that if I win I can justify my glee by saying I did try to help advertise the giveaway!
Seriously her work is fantastic and anybody would be lucky to win these beautiful earrings!

1 comment:

Mignon said...

Lol. Silly. Thank you. :) I don't mind if you win, just not every week, lol. I posted your cards on my blog.
